Great Barrington to Fairbanks Alaska in 5 Days
Distance : 3119 NM = 5770 kms
Return: 6238 nm or 11540 kms
Flying time: 26 hours and 54 minutes
Return: 53 hours and 48 minutes
That is a long way. Next step is to firm some dates, purchase some tickets and develop preliminary budget and checklist. Just a few months now so need to get our act together. Also need to factor in a more demanding exercise regime in case there is some unexpected walking (bear fleeing?). Then there is the hard cold fact of the new airport security full body scanners. Don't want to risk showing up on the notice board at their christmas party.
Not sure if I factored any winds into the flying times. I would guess we'll have 80 to 90% chance of a headwind going out and a tailwind coming home. We can minimize the affect of the headwind by flying low outbound and maximize the headwind coming home by cruising up to 10 or 12 thousand ft. The conversations might be interesting with the lower oxygen levels but hopefully not too stupid.