Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Do We Take a Gun ?

That was the question my cuz asked me in his email yesterday. It's funny because I was asking myself the same question after reading that it "used to be" considered essential equipment on board an airplane flying anywhere in the wilds of Alaska or the Yukon Territories. So why is it no longer required? Have the bears all of a sudden had a change of heart and gone totally vegetarian? I think not.

Apparently there were all kinds of security hassles and permit requirements for getting to carry a gun on an aircraft and also cross international borders with it on board. So to make things easier the requirement to carry one was scrapped. So does that mean if we are forced to land somewhere remote and camp out for a few days until rescued that we should have taken lessons in bear wrestling prior to the trip? Now I don't mind the black bears in Maine. I've seen a few on my hikes there and generally if you give them a little space they'll take off and leave the trail to you. But Grizzlies and Kodiaks up there in the Northwest I do not want to tangle with.

So hassles or no hassles, I'm going to look into the paperwork needed to take a gun.

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